Πέρασαν 14 χρόνια από την αρχική δημοσίευση και δεν φανταζόμασταν ότι από τότε η δουλειά αυτή θα γινόταν σημείο αναφοράς για άλλες 124 μεταγενέστερες δημοσιεύσεις μέχρι σήμερα παγκοσμίως (11-02-2021).
Πρόκειται για την δημοσιευμένη εργασία με τίτλο "Arsenic speciation and uranium concentrations in drinking water supply wells in Northern Greece: Correlations with redox indicative parameters and implications for groundwater treatment", που συντάχθηκε από τους Ioannis A Katsoyiannis, Stephan J Hug, Adrian Ammann, Antonia Zikoudi, Christodoulos Hatziliontos.
Global threat of arsenic in groundwater
a global prediction map of groundwater arsenic exceeding 10 micrograms per liter using a
random forest machine-learning model based on 11 geospatial environmental parameters …
Identifying and quantifying the intermediate processes during nitrate-dependent iron (II) oxidation
has been intensively studied. However, the extent to which Fe (II) oxidation is biologically
catalyzed remains unclear because no neutrophilic iron-oxidizing and nitrate reducing …
Development and application of the thermodynamic database PRODATA dedicated to the monitoring of mining activities from exploration to remediation
environmental impacts. In order to help understanding and modelling both these aspects, a
thermodynamic database dedicated to uranium mining activities is developed: the …
Opportunities for groundwater microbial electro‐remediation
hydrocarbons, metals and nutrients among others can be widely found in different aquifers
all over the world. However, there is a lack of sustainable technologies able to treat these …
Making Fe0-based filters a universal solution for safe drinking water provision
contribute to the achievement of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) of substantially improving the human condition by 2030 through the provision of …
The status of arsenic pollution in the greek and cyprus environment: An overview
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
Uranium distribution in groundwater and assessment of age dependent radiation dose in Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Pathankot districts of Punjab, India
Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Pathankot districts of Punjab, India and assessment of associated
radiological risks, chemical risks and effective radiation dose for different age groups, was …
Assessment of arsenic and uranium co-occurrences in groundwater of central Gangetic Plain, Uttar Pradesh, India
problem worldwide and have natural as well as human-made sources such as mining,
industry and agriculture. The severity of this problem is further accelerated by in-situ physio …
Adsorption of arsenate by nano scaled activated carbon modified by iron and manganese oxides
concerns large parts of population in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Europe. Removal of
arsenic is usually accomplished either by coagulation with iron salts or by adsorption with …
Arsenic contamination of drinking water in Ireland: a spatial analysis of occurrence and potential risk
risks from drinking water with elevated concentrations. The Water Framework Directive
(WFD) of the European Union calls for drinking water risk assessment for member states …
Distribution and geochemical controls of arsenic and uranium in groundwater-derived drinking water in Bihar, India
contaminants such as arsenic (As) and uranium (U) can lead to detrimental health impacts.
In this study, we have undertaken a groundwater survey of representative sites across all …
Arsenic-related microorganisms in groundwater: a review on distribution, metabolic activities and potential use in arsenic removal processes
resource for human consumption and activities on a global scale. Therefore, any source of
contamination of either geogenic or anthropogenic origin may provide a serious …
Enhanced uranium removal from acidic wastewater by phosphonate-functionalized ordered mesoporous silica: surface chemistry matters the most
still an open challenge, and remediation by adsorption is a prosperous strategy. Among the
most crucial concerns regarding the design of an efficient material as adsorbent are, except …
Quality of tube well water intended for irrigation and human consumption with special emphasis on arsenic contamination at the area of Punjab, Pakistan
on arsenic contamination, were investigated in rural and urban samples from Tehsil Mailsi
located in Punjab, Pakistan. Arsenic concentrations (μg/L) were ranged from 12 to 448.5 and …
Drinking water uranium and potential health effects in the German Federal State of Bavaria
the spotlight of environmental and health-related research. Germany decided on a binding U
guideline value in drinking water of 10 µg/L, valid since 2011. It is yet widely unknown if and …
Geogenic arsenic and uranium in Germany: Large-scale distribution control in sediments and groundwater
effects on human health. This work revisits nine case studies on As/U accumulation and
remobilization mechanisms in aquifers with different geological and stratigraphical …
Arsenic association with circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein in a Native American community
(As) and other metals to groundwater, soil and potentially air through airborne transport. The
adverse cardiovascular health effects attributed to cumulative exposure to these metals …
Use of novel composite coagulants for arsenic removal from waters—experimental insight for the application of polyferric sulfate (PFS)
for their efficiency towards As (V) and As (III) removal from water sources. The results
showed that the pre-polymerized coagulants of iron, such as poly-ferric sulfate and poly …
Preliminary trace element analysis of arsenic in Nepalese groundwater may pinpoint its origin
health threat to the inhabitants living on alluvial plains of the Himalayan foreland of countries
like Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Myanmar. Although the geological and geochemical …
[HTML] A multi-technique study of altered granitic rock from the Krunkelbach Valley uranium deposit, Southern Germany
microphase composition in altered granitic rock collected from the Krunkelbach Valley
uranium (U) deposit area near an abandoned U mine, Black Forest, Southern Germany. The …
Elevated groundwater concentrations of arsenic and chromium in ultramafic environments controlled by seawater intrusion, the nitrogen cycle, and anthropogenic …
anthropogenic activities on the elevated groundwater concentrations of oxyanion-forming
trace elements in an ultramafic environment and to study the factors controlling the …
Seasonal and spatial variation of arsenic in groundwater in a rhyolithic volcanic area of Lesvos Island, Greece
Lesvos Island, Greece, indicated that significant seasonal variation of arsenic concentration
in groundwater exists mainly in wells near the coastal zone. However, there were …
Water quality under the changing climatic condition: a review of the Indian scenario
Rising temperatures will lead to higher concentration of pollutants like nutrients (nitrates,
phosphates etc.), persistent organic pollutants and pesticides. Probable negative …
Fractionation of chemical species in surface water from El Granero reservoir, Chihuahua, Mexico
ecosystems. The aim of this work was to determine and characterise the fractionation of
several chemical species (in colloidal and dissolved phase) in water from El Granero dam …
Arsenic in groundwater in Paraíba do Sul river, Brazil: sources, hydrogeochemistry, and correlation with redox parameters
southeastern Brazil. Water samples were collected from 19 home wells and wells managed
by the utility company in the region in June 2016 and February, May, and August 2017. The …
[HTML] Seeking evidence of multidisciplinarity in environmental geochemistry and health: an analysis of arsenic in drinking water research
new knowledge and potentially a more generally acceptable solution to problems that
informed the research in the first place. It increasingly features in national programmes …
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of naturally occurring uranium along with correlational study from Buldhana district of Maharashtra, India
subsequent radiological impact due to uranium in the groundwater from the Buldhana
district was undertaken. The chemo-radio toxicological dose owing to such dissolved …
[PDF] Risk assessment for natural uranium present in ground water of Mahendragarh district of Haryana
Haryana state were collected and analyzed for uranium concentration using LED
Fluorimeter Quantalase LF-2a. This fluorimeter can measure uranium concentration in water …
Uranium and Its Correlation with other Geogenic Contaminants in Ground Water of Ganga Yamuna Doab, Fatehpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India
atmosphere, food, soil, rocks, and natural waters along with Pb, Cr, As, Zn & Fe. The
exposure to the elements may rise in the cases wherever potable water is obtained directly …
[ΒΙΒΛΙΟ] Arsenic in groundwater: poisoning and risk assessment
health crises. This book addresses the arsenic issue within a scientific and social science
framework, with the context set by environmental and legal considerations. The text explores …
Evaluation of boron uptake by anion exchange resins in tap and geothermal water matrix
Purolite A200, Dowex 1x8) in the removal of boron from natural water samples was
evaluated under typical conditions of water treatment. Batch ion exchange experiments …
Simultaneous Removal of Arsenate and Chromate from Ground-and Surface-Waters by Iron-Based Redox Assisted Coagulation
major problem worldwide. Given that a new drinking water limit is anticipated for Cr (VI) and
that the limit of arsenic in drinking water is quite low (10 μg/L), there is an urgent need for …
Photooxidation based on UV/H2O2 process for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions
mercury-free UV source KrCl excilamp (222 nm). Comparative studies of the effectiveness of
direct photolysis and combined oxidation of arsenic (III) in the presence of hydrogen …
The Status of Arsenic Pollution in the Greek and Cyprus Environment: An Overview. Water 2021, 13, 224
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
[PDF] Model-based interpretation and quantification of anaerobic Fe (II) oxidation
chemistry profoundly impacts all aspects of the environment from mineral dissolution and
formation to contaminant remediation and global biogeochemical cycling of C, N, O and S …
Study of Uranium in Drinking Water around the Sohna Fault Line in Haryana
study on radiation level in groundwater has been taken up around the Sohna fault line,
Haryana state, India. Uranium concentration has been measured in drinking water samples …
Radiological and chemo-toxicological risk assessment of naturally occurred uranium in ground water from Aurangabad district of Maharashtra
Maharashtra state were collected to analyze for Uranium and associated water quality
parameters. Uranium was analyzed with the help of LED Flourimeter (Quantalas India Pvt …
Industrial radioactivity in the UK's onshore oil and gas industry
gas production offshore but, to date, has been reported from only one production site
onshore in the United Kingdom. This site, Wytch Farm on the Dorset coast, revealed high …
[PDF] Trace Element Concentrations in Arsenic (As) Contaminated Drinking Water in Nepal Reflect Sediment Surface-Ground Water Interactions
arsenic (As) contamination of ground water used for drinking poses a serious health hazard.
In ground water of these countries, the concentrations of the highly toxic elements frequently …
[HTML] Эксилампы как перспективный источник УФ излучения для фотохимического обезвреживания мышьяксодержащих вод
поступления в водные объекты токсичных веществ, в том числе соединений мышьяка,
путем поиска и разработки эффективных фотохимических методов очистки и …
Consumption of free chlorine in an aqueduct scheme with low protection: Case study of the New Aqueduct Simbrivio-Castelli (NASC), Italy
the complexity of the water supply systems, and on the widespread phenomena of the
contamination of water bodies. These parameters indicate the need for the development of …
[HTML] 磁性CeO2-Fe3O4复合材料光催化/吸附去除水中As(Ⅲ)
超标问题突显. 本研究利用CeO 2 半导体的光催化活性及CeO 2 和Fe 3 O 4 对As (Ⅴ)
的强亲和力, 合成了双组份磁性CeO 2-Fe 3 O 4 复合材料, 并采用SEM, XRD, BET 和VSM …
Opportunities for groundwater microbial electro-remediation
Microbiology. Groundwater pollution is a serious worldwide concern. Aromatic compounds,
chlorinated hydrocarbons, metals and nutrients among others can be widely found in …
Abatimiento de la toxicidad de compuestos arsenicales presentes en suelos agrícolas, a través de un sistema de tratamiento biológico aeróbico secuencial.
(organoarsenicales) han sido utilizados como aditivos alimenticios en la industria avícola.
Utilizar el estiércol de las aves como fertilizante en cultivos, es una práctica común que …
The combined effect of depleted uranium, sodium arsenite and gamma radiation on survival, growth and reproduction of Caenorhabditis Elegans
gamma radiation on three biological endpoints of Caenorhabditis Elegans. The three
endpoints studied were survival, growth, and reproduction. The nematodes were exposed to …
[PDF] Copyright© 2017 N. Kazakis, N. Kantiranis, M. Kaprara, M. Mitrakas, G. Vargemezis, K. Voudouris, A. Chatzipetros, K. Kalaitzidou, A. Filippidis
were analyzed for Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs). In total, twenty three soil and sediment
samples, three groundwater (boreholes) and two spring water samples, were analyzed …
Development of effective modified palm shell waste-based activated carbon adsorbents for pollutants removal/Farahin Mohd Jais
technique. While, palm shell-waste based activated carbon widely used in variety field and
available in abundance in Malaysia. It was chosen as the basic raw adsorbent before …
Uranium Partitioning During Water Treatment Processes
extensively for drinking water. Water treatment plants (WTPs) were established to fulfill the
standards of drinking water quality. The study of the chemical behavior of uranium (U) in …
Global threat of arsenic in groundwater
a global prediction map of groundwater arsenic exceeding 10 micrograms per liter using a
random forest machine-learning model based on 11 geospatial environmental parameters …
Development and application of the thermodynamic database PRODATA dedicated to the monitoring of mining activities from exploration to remediation
environmental impacts. In order to help understanding and modelling both these aspects, a
thermodynamic database dedicated to uranium mining activities is developed: the …
The status of arsenic pollution in the greek and cyprus environment: An overview
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
Assessment of arsenic and uranium co-occurrences in groundwater of central Gangetic Plain, Uttar Pradesh, India
problem worldwide and have natural as well as human-made sources such as mining,
industry and agriculture. The severity of this problem is further accelerated by in-situ physio …
Distribution and geochemical controls of arsenic and uranium in groundwater-derived drinking water in Bihar, India
contaminants such as arsenic (As) and uranium (U) can lead to detrimental health impacts.
In this study, we have undertaken a groundwater survey of representative sites across all …
Enhanced uranium removal from acidic wastewater by phosphonate-functionalized ordered mesoporous silica: surface chemistry matters the most
still an open challenge, and remediation by adsorption is a prosperous strategy. Among the
most crucial concerns regarding the design of an efficient material as adsorbent are, except …
Geogenic arsenic and uranium in Germany: Large-scale distribution control in sediments and groundwater
effects on human health. This work revisits nine case studies on As/U accumulation and
remobilization mechanisms in aquifers with different geological and stratigraphical …
[HTML] A multi-technique study of altered granitic rock from the Krunkelbach Valley uranium deposit, Southern Germany
microphase composition in altered granitic rock collected from the Krunkelbach Valley
uranium (U) deposit area near an abandoned U mine, Black Forest, Southern Germany. The …
Elevated groundwater concentrations of arsenic and chromium in ultramafic environments controlled by seawater intrusion, the nitrogen cycle, and anthropogenic …
anthropogenic activities on the elevated groundwater concentrations of oxyanion-forming
trace elements in an ultramafic environment and to study the factors controlling the …
Water quality under the changing climatic condition: a review of the Indian scenario
Rising temperatures will lead to higher concentration of pollutants like nutrients (nitrates,
phosphates etc.), persistent organic pollutants and pesticides. Probable negative …
Arsenic in groundwater in Paraíba do Sul river, Brazil: sources, hydrogeochemistry, and correlation with redox parameters
southeastern Brazil. Water samples were collected from 19 home wells and wells managed
by the utility company in the region in June 2016 and February, May, and August 2017. The …
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of naturally occurring uranium along with correlational study from Buldhana district of Maharashtra, India
subsequent radiological impact due to uranium in the groundwater from the Buldhana
district was undertaken. The chemo-radio toxicological dose owing to such dissolved …
Uranium and Its Correlation with other Geogenic Contaminants in Ground Water of Ganga Yamuna Doab, Fatehpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India
atmosphere, food, soil, rocks, and natural waters along with Pb, Cr, As, Zn & Fe. The
exposure to the elements may rise in the cases wherever potable water is obtained directly …
Simultaneous Removal of Arsenate and Chromate from Ground-and Surface-Waters by Iron-Based Redox Assisted Coagulation
major problem worldwide. Given that a new drinking water limit is anticipated for Cr (VI) and
that the limit of arsenic in drinking water is quite low (10 μg/L), there is an urgent need for …
Photooxidation based on UV/H2O2 process for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions
mercury-free UV source KrCl excilamp (222 nm). Comparative studies of the effectiveness of
direct photolysis and combined oxidation of arsenic (III) in the presence of hydrogen …
The Status of Arsenic Pollution in the Greek and Cyprus Environment: An Overview. Water 2021, 13, 224
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
[PDF] Model-based interpretation and quantification of anaerobic Fe (II) oxidation
chemistry profoundly impacts all aspects of the environment from mineral dissolution and
formation to contaminant remediation and global biogeochemical cycling of C, N, O and S …
The status of arsenic pollution in the greek and cyprus environment: An overview
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
Enhanced uranium removal from acidic wastewater by phosphonate-functionalized ordered mesoporous silica: surface chemistry matters the most
still an open challenge, and remediation by adsorption is a prosperous strategy. Among the
most crucial concerns regarding the design of an efficient material as adsorbent are, except …
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of naturally occurring uranium along with correlational study from Buldhana district of Maharashtra, India
subsequent radiological impact due to uranium in the groundwater from the Buldhana
district was undertaken. The chemo-radio toxicological dose owing to such dissolved …
The Status of Arsenic Pollution in the Greek and Cyprus Environment: An Overview. Water 2021, 13, 224
European countries. Arsenic is a highly toxic element in its inorganic form and it is
carcinogenic to human seven in low concentrations. The occurrence of As in surface water …
Διάβασε επίσης:
Η Kemioteko Engineering δημιουργήθηκε ως απόσταγμα εμπειριών 14 ετών στην αδειοδότηση, κατασκευή και λειτουργία δημόσιων τεχνικών έργων και 8 ετών στο ελεύθερο επάγγελμα του μελετητή μηχανικού με εξειδίκευση στην αδειοδότηση και λειτουργία επιχειρήσεων. Αποστολή της Kemioteko Engineering - Χατζηλιόντος Ι. Χριστόδουλος είναι η δημιουργία πελατών, οπαδών της, βαθειά ικανοποιημένων, που θέλουν να κάνουν διαχρονικά τα σωστά πράγματα με τους κατάλληλους συνεργάτες.
Μητρώο Αξιολογητών ΓΓΕΤ- No 14856/95711/08-06-17